Monday, February 2, 2009

The big let down

We're sick. Thanks Tay, we are all very sick. And because we are, Bug can not go to school. Sucks. He needs to get into school. but it will have to wait until he is better so he can come home sick again in a week because he is now around a lot of new kids and people that carry bacteria and viruses we have not built up an immunity against. There ya go, one of the longest sentences I have written but I am upset he will not be getting on the bus in the morning. And yet, I am glad to have him one more day. It will be a shock for them at his school, to have a seemingly perfect child that really has NO IDEA how to communicate. Aside from hugs an kisses and tugging...he doesn't really even try to get his point across. I PRAY they have had someone like him before, but I fear, it will be a learning experience for them and a frustration for him. I hope I am wrong. God help me if I am right.



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