Friday, November 14, 2008

Bubble Time!

We were in Utah, it was warm, the kids needed outdoor time. So we decided Bubbles where perfect. We bought a bubble grill, took it outside and captured the fun as it developed. Bug was little out of it but Tay and Megan were in full swing!



  1. I'm not getting the right slideshow on the bubble post... I see the pics from a few months ago...

  2. Oh, of course! As soon as I post this, the correct slideshow comes up! =)

  3. OMG your son is stunning! And I love princess Tay!

  4. Thanks, he really is a strikingly handsome kid...not saying that cuz I'm the Mom although...:) You have to see her new curtains...she picked them out...they actually SAY Princess on them. Oy.

  5. LMAO She loves being a Princess that one! You're in for it! 

  6. LOL. Tell me about it...she really was meant for you! :)

  7. I can be her fairy godmother! 

  8. Oh god, the thought of you with wings...LMAO! And honey, you already are :).


Google - Not a medical pancea.

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