Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Does yours do this too?

When I spill a drink, or whatever, or when the children do and I am nearby, I curse, get a towel, clean it up, decide how much effort it requires to look passable and then go back to whatever I was doing. Doesn't matter who is there with me, I just clean it up. OK, I make Tay help if it was HER drink or HER fault.

When Glenn spills a drink, or whatever, or when the children do and he is nearby he curses at ME to HELP him clean it up.

Anyone else own one of these?

Just curious.

1 comment:

  1. My instinct is to clean it up as quickly as possible, so if asking for help will allow me to clean it up faster, I will ask. Otherwise I'll do it all by myself... =)


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