Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blah blah blah

I said: Tay eat your waffles.

She said while extending her hands out: Blah blah blah.

I turned to Glenn, he looked at me, and we laughed. God forgive us we couldn't help it. I think we need to find a nunnery, sooner than later. I did tell her not to say that to me when I was serious. But it was too late. Even *I* wouldn't take me seriously.


  1. LOL! She's the funniest three-year-old I've ever seen... =)

  2. OMG seriously, how did you have  my daughter?

  3. We are in so much trouble with this one you guys! She is very creative too, makes up songs to sing in the shower and to her toys. I have NO idea how I got your Daughter J, but I certainly did!

  4. Ooh, another new theme! How nautical! =)

  5. Very Titanic. You know, pronouncing that word slightly differently makes me think of something completely unrelated to ships, though flotation devices do come to mind... ;-)

    So, did you get Glenn an issue of Guns & Ammo to go with his gift? =)

  6. How was Glenn's birthday? Did he get my eCard?

  7. I think he already has a subscription so...no. And yes he got your card. Don't think he read it yet though...he has been preoccupied with his Smoker. I will post about it later. Oy. It may have been a mistake :).

  8. Smoker, eh? In addition to, or instead of, the other present? I can't wait to hear about a smoker... =)


Google - Not a medical pancea.

  “You should write this, “ Patty said to me, “You need to share this story of triumph using Google.” I wish I hadn’t said yes. Dr. Google A...